Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Travel Home

          I woke up early this morning to call my girlfriend and wish her a happy birthday.  Because we are seven hours ahead here in Malawi, I had to call at seven this morning to talk to here at midnight to be the first one to talk to her on her birthday.  Then I quickly went back to bed to get some more sleep before a long day.  Before I knew it, it was time to leave.  We loaded up the bus and headed to the airport.  It kind of seemed surreal that we were going home, but I was kind of ready for it.  Driving to the airport was kind of weird.  Africa has been the most challenging international place that I have been too.  I had mixed feelings.  I really loved the entire trip, but at the same time, I was glad to be going home.  I had gotten to know this country and now I was leaving it.  The bus rides had become a fun time to hang out and talk about deep things with new friends, but that was the last bus ride in Malawi.
Airport in Washington, DC waiting to board the plane.


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