Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Last Full Day

           Today, we were supposed to go on a hike for the first part of the day and then have time to pack in order to go home tomorrow.  The rain has been a really hindrance to our plans for the past couple of days, and today was exactly the same.  There was a really good chance that it was going to rain, which would make the trail very dangerous to hike on, so we didn’t get to go.  Instead, we got to go to the Lilongwe Wildlife Reserve.  We really were just looking for something to do, since the hike fell through.  The animals were cool to see, but after we had already been on safari, they couldn’t really compare at all. 
Please supervise your children at all times.
Photo by Marie Freeman
            After getting back from the wildlife reserve, we got to pack up and hang out for the rest of the day.  I played a game of spades and then we went to dinner at a really nice Indian restaurant.  Again, the rain was hindering what we were trying to do, so as we were walking to the restaurant, we all got completely soaked which made things interesting for dinner. 
            It was a hard day for me, because since we were not doing anything I was ready to be home.  It was as if we were simply playing a waiting game to be home.  Also, as long as we have been busy, I haven’t really had a lot of time to think about my family and girlfriend.  So, with not much to do, I began to miss them.  Also, tomorrow is my girlfriend’s birthday, so I wish that I could be home already to be there with her during her birthday.  

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